Financial Consulting

How do we operate in Financial Consulting?

In the financial field, we offer consulting services for the realization of the financial needs of a company or target group.

These services range from the optimization to the restructuring of the corporate financial structure.  

Capital Requirement Analysis

Before carrying out any business and corporate transactions, we inform the client regarding the real capital needs. This is done by providing assistance in writing an index analysis. Our expertise benefits the client, facilitating the elaboration of the following indexes: Structure, Equity, Financials and Profitability of the Company.

Company Structure Optimization

To achieve a high level of optimization, we provide:


Assistance with adding new shareholders (financial or industrial) that subscribe to capital increases aimed at strengthening a company's own means;


Assistance in the reorganization of the corporate composition through adding new shareholders who take over minority stakes from the current shareholders in order to favor processes of generational or entrepreneurial turnover.

Optimization and Restructuring of the Financial Structure

We assist our clients with:


Choosing optimal strategies for the financial coverage of specific investment and development projects, taking into account the fiscal aspect;


Planning and executing the optimization or reorganization of the financial structure of companies in temporary difficulty. Where necessary, renegotiating the debt with banks and other creditors.

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